por Colegio Greenville | May 28, 2021 | Noticias
It is an honour to share our PYP Exhibition 2021, in which sixth grade students have had a long journey, investing much effort, time and knowledge, but also it has been an opportunity to develop their IB attributes and approaches to learning, it is an experience that...
por Colegio Greenville | May 28, 2021 | Noticias
Es un honor compartir nuestra Exposición PEP 2021, en el cual los alumnos de sexto grado han recorrido un largo camino, invirtiendo esfuerzo, tiempo y conocimiento, pero también ha sido una gran oportunidad para desarrollar los atributos del perfil IB y los enfoques...
por Colegio Greenville | Abr 26, 2021 | Noticias
During the learning program in the subject of Visual Arts, students learned to develop four works of art well founded and researched with comparative studies of other existing artists, and to the development and analysis within from a process folder and supported in...
por Colegio Greenville | Abr 26, 2021 | Noticias
Durante el programa de aprendizaje en la materia de artes visuales aprendieron a desarrollar cuatro obrasbien fundamentadas e investigadas con estudios comparativos de otros artistas existentes, al desarrollo y análisis dentro de una carpeta del proceso y apoyados de...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 8, 2020 | Noticias
We would like to thank the GPA and all the families who donated to our collection center for the benefit of the persons affected by the recent flooding in the 21 de marzo community, which belongs to the municipality of Centro, Tabasco. There is still time to help with...