por Colegio Greenville | Dic 6, 2018 | Noticias
http://<iframe src=»https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmediagreenville%2Fvideos%2F847840468940683%2F&show_text=0&width=560″ width=»560″ height=»315″ style=»border:none;overflow:hidden»...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 6, 2018 | News
Congratulations to our student Alessandra Mayo Rodriguez, who won first place in the National Children’s Drawing Competition “Let´s paint a tree” organized by the National Forestry Commission. The competition was aimed at promoting and disseminating the appreciation...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 6, 2018 | Noticias
Greenville and the 12th grade students appreciate your collaboration in the selling of 157 boxes of donuts. Your support was invaluable, as with the funds raised the students are preparing “The Fiestón” for children of limited resources as part of their CAS subject...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 6, 2018 | Noticias
Felicitamos a nuestra alumna Alessandra Mayo Rodríguez, quien obtuvo el primer lugar en el Concurso Nacional de Dibujo Infantil “Vamos a pintar un árbol”, organizado por la Comisión Nacional Forestal. Con el objetivo de promover y difundir el aprecio de los...