Exhibición PEP 2019-2020

Exhibición PEP 2019-2020

La exhibición de sexto grado correspondiente al ciclo escolar 2019-2020, se desarrolló siguiendo el Tema Transdisciplinario “Cómo Nos Expresamos”, con la Idea Central “Formas en que las Culturas Usan la Tecnología para Adaptarse Durante la Pandemia”. La inquietud por...
PYP Exhibition 2019-2020

PYP Exhibition 2019-2020

The Sixth Grade Exhibition corresponding to the 2019-2020 School Year, was developed following the Transdisciplinary Theme «How We Express Ourselves», with the Central Idea «Ways in Which Cultures Use Technology to Adapt During the Pandemic». The concern about this...
Clases en Línea

Clases en Línea

Por emergencia sanitaria COVID-19, hemos tenido que dejar las aulas; sin embargo, esto nos ha hecho expandirnos y crecer juntos utilizando las herramientas tecnológicas continuando con nuestras actividades desde Prekinder hasta Bachillerato, Greenville en casa....
Online classes

Online classes

Due to the COVID-19 health emergency, we have had to leave the classrooms; however, this has allowed us to expand and grow together using technological tools to continue our activities from Prekinder to High School. Greenville at Home. We are sharing part of the...