por Colegio Greenville | Dic 12, 2018 | Noticias
We are pleased to congratulate our student Ricardo Nemer León for his participation and the great results obtained during the 2018 International Combined Val´Quirico Competition and the 2018 National Eventing Championship, Perote. Ricardo is a responsible student,...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 10, 2018 | Noticias
Felicitamos a nuestro alumno Carlos Alonso Gómez Reyes quien junto a su caballo Iguazú, participaron en 5 de 9 Concursos Nacionales Completos que comprenden tres disciplinas: Dressage, Cross y Salto, en la categoría introductoria infantil obteniendo 4 primeros...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 10, 2018 | Noticias
Congratulations to our student Carlos Alonso Gomez Reyes who, along with his horse Iguazú, participated in 5 of 9 National Eventing Competitions that consists of the three disciplines: Dressage, Cross-Country and Show Jumping in the Youth Introductory...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 10, 2018 | Noticias
Campañas de concientización sobre la contaminación y separación de basura. Por semana se sigue un rol y se recolecta un material diferente para llevarlo a un centro de reciclaje. Los alumnos de 11vo, por medio de la materia CAS, se sumaron a la organización de...
por Colegio Greenville | Dic 10, 2018 | Noticias
The 11th graders, as part of the subject CAS, joined with the organization Canacintra to develop a continuous recycling program within the school. The CAS students designed strategies to make the students of the Greenville community aware of the importance of doing...