

La Magia del Cine

La Magia del Cine

La sociedad actual insiste en que debemos procurar ser alguien; con un trabajo redituable, el cargo más importante y ser líderes. No obstante, dondequiera que estemos, podemos aprender a servir. Los alumnos de Bachillerato de la materia CAS, organizaron una salida al...

The magic of movies

The magic of movies

Today’s society insists that we must try to be someone; with a profitable job, the most important position and be leaders. However, wherever we are, we can learn to serve. The High School students for their class of CAS organized an outing to the movies with 22...

Ricardo Nemer

Ricardo Nemer

Nos complace felicitar a nuestro alumno Ricardo Nemer León, por su participación y por los buenos resultados obtenidos durante el Concurso Internacional Combinado Val’Quirico 2018 y el Campeonato Nacional de Concurso Completo, Perote 2018. Ricardo es un alumno...

Ricardo Nemer

Ricardo Nemer

We are pleased to congratulate our student Ricardo Nemer León for his participation and the great results obtained during the 2018 International Combined Val´Quirico Competition and the 2018 National Eventing Championship, Perote. Ricardo is a responsible student,...

Equitación: Carlos Gómez

Equitación: Carlos Gómez

Felicitamos a nuestro alumno Carlos Alonso Gómez Reyes quien junto a su caballo Iguazú, participaron en 5 de 9 Concursos Nacionales Completos que comprenden tres disciplinas: Dressage, Cross y Salto, en la categoría introductoria infantil obteniendo 4 primeros...

Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

Congratulations to our student Carlos Alonso Gomez Reyes who, along with his horse Iguazú, participated in 5 of 9 National Eventing Competitions that consists of the three disciplines:  Dressage, Cross-Country and Show Jumping in the Youth Introductory...

Colaborando con el Reciclatón

Colaborando con el Reciclatón

Campañas de concientización sobre la contaminación y separación de basura. Por semana se sigue un rol y se recolecta un material diferente para llevarlo a un centro de reciclaje. Los alumnos de 11vo, por medio de la materia CAS, se sumaron a la organización de...



The 11th graders, as part of the subject CAS, joined with the organization Canacintra to develop a continuous recycling program within the school. The CAS students designed strategies to make the students of the Greenville community aware of the importance of doing...

Let´s paint a tree

Let´s paint a tree

Congratulations to our student Alessandra Mayo Rodriguez, who won first place in the National Children’s Drawing Competition “Let´s paint a tree” organized by the National Forestry Commission. The competition was aimed at promoting and disseminating the appreciation...

Thank you community for your great help!

Thank you community for your great help!

Greenville and the 12th grade students appreciate your collaboration in the selling of 157 boxes of donuts. Your support was invaluable, as with the funds raised the students are preparing “The Fiestón” for children of limited resources as part of their CAS subject...

¡Estamos en contacto!

Prolongación Av. Paseo Usumacinta No. 2122, Ría. Lázaro Cárdenas 2da. sección, C.P. 86287, Villahermosa, Tabasco.

[+52] 993 310 8060

[+52] 993 160 3777

Horario de atención

Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 hrs

