Presentation of the role play «ATASCO»

Presentation of the role play «ATASCO»

Second grade presented a role play called “Atasco”; which is about the function of our traffic lights and what happens when they stop working: road chaos. In this role play children learnt about the function of each person and how to collaborate, how to be organized...
2018 Graduation Ceremony

2018 Graduation Ceremony

The Kindergarten to Bachillerato Graduation Ceremony was held today, in whom we trust as leaders with a global vision, spokespersons and implementers of solutions in society. You are trained to do great things and make a difference, today you are the bearers of the...
Students talk about their IB experience

Students talk about their IB experience

The students of the 12th year of Bachillerato share their opinions about their experiences and the impact that the Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate has had. We congratulate our First Generation IB Greenville Diploma Program. [embedyt]...