Graduaciones ciclo escolar 2020 – 2021

Este año nos toco una ceremonia de graduación especial con nuestros alumnos de Kínder, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato quienes festejaron junto con el colegio y una nueva normalidad, como muestra del compromiso de Greenville International School, avanzando en...

Graduations 2020- 2021 school year

This year we had a special graduation ceremony with our Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High School students who celebrated together with the school according to the new normal as a sign of Greenville International School’s commitment to advancing education. It...

Grullas por salud

Como resultado de la campaña Grullas por Salud, realizada en conjunto con @Mazda Tabasco, se realizó la entrega de un tanque de oxígeno móvil y 5 cajas de cubrebocas KN95 en donación al Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad “Dr. Juan Graham Casasús”, lo...

Cranes for Health

As a result of the Cranes for Health campaign, carried out in conjunction with @Mazda Tabasco, a mobile oxygen tank and 5 boxes of KN95 face masks were delivered as a donation to the “Dr. Juan Graham Casasús” High Specialty Regional Hospital. This was possible thanks...

PYP Exhibition 2021

It is an honour to share our PYP Exhibition 2021, in which sixth grade students have had a long journey, investing much effort, time and knowledge, but also it has been an opportunity to develop their IB attributes and approaches to learning, it is an experience that...